The tragedy of the war always would be used as political instrument and as advantage to leaders in decreasing popularity.
नेपाल इजरायल.कम 🇳🇵🇮🇱
Our online portal serves as the heartbeat of the Nepali community in Israel. We don’t just deliver news—we share the stories of lives lived far from home, celebrate contributions, and spotlight the experiences and activities that make OUR COMMUNITY vibrant and strong..
Write us your story
केही भन्नु छ भने 💬
नेपाल इजरायल डट कम - इजरायलमा रहेको नेपाली समुदायमा हुने विविध गतिविधि, सूचना र जानकारी पस्कने अनलाइन पत्रिका हो ।
- नेपाल इजरायल
- नेपाल इजरायल
- नेपाल इजरायल
- नेपाल इजरायल